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VITA RED MASK REVIEWJust get through the stinging!
Posted by jolse (ip:)
  • Rate 0points  
  • Date 2020-04-14 10:35:56
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  • Views 1210



There was a time in my skincare journey where all I wanted to do every day was to put on a sheet mask. And I did so for about a year before I realized just how tedious and time-consuming it is. My love for sheet masks slowly dwindled away and my mask stash was unfortunately forgotten almost altogether. But in the last few months, thanks to Beautchat, I’ve been using more sheet masks and have rediscovered my love for them. The most recent mask I received was the TIAM My Signature Vita Red mask, and I was thoroughly impressed by it.


The description of this mask states three key factors to creating radiant glowing skin, a moisture barrier for sensitive skin and vitamin nourishment care. This mask is packed full of ingredients that do just these three factors. The mask’s formula contains vitamin c which helps to brighten the skin, green tea, and panthenol to help calm and restore hydration back into the skin, Vitamin E to help with booting moisture, Vitamin tree water that brightens and nourishes and Niacinamide to help lighten and even out the skin tone.


The sheet mask in the package looks slightly orange but when applied it’s a pretty soft pink that is reminiscent of cherry blossom!



Thanks to the skin-fitting sheet, this mask fit like a glove on my face. Typically I’ll have to make modifications to masks, such as cutting slits for the eyes/mouth areas. But this mask required 0 changes. It laid down very easily, smoothed out effortlessly, and stuck to my face strongly. I usually relax when I wear masks, but I did some cleaning and the mask did not budge no matter how much I moved around. The sheet was also very soft and silk-like, which made it very comfortable as well.


When I first put this mask on, it stung. For a good 5 minutes, I was worried that I was going to have to take it off and have inflamed acne. However, the stinging subsided after that time and I was able to keep the mask on for about 25 minutes. After taking it off, I was really happy with how my skin looked. It definitely looked brighter and to my relief, none of my acne was triggered by the initial stinging.

I find this mask to be much better for my skin versus the TIAM My Signature Red C serum. I think the serum might be too concentrated for my skin, and unlike this mask where the stinging disappears after a few minutes, the stinging from the serum seems to be much more prolonged. The mask is definitely gentler, which I attribute to the texture and cooling effect from the texture of the sheet mask.

We’re coming up in April and almost a quarter of 2020 is almost done, which is absolutely insane to think about, and since I’ve been using sheet masks more often because of Beautchat, now I’m going to try to challenge myself to sheet mask 2-3 times a week. I have a lot of masks with expiration dates for later this year so I want to avoid letting all of them go to waste. I might not be able to get through all of them, but by doing this I can definitely reduce the amount and I’m sure my skin will be thankful, especially since it’s been so dry lately. Wish me luck!

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