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Title i love it!
Posted by floette (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-05-05 05:51:17
  • Recommend 126 Recommend
  • Views 1844

first of all, thanks to jolse for offering such good deals with these products. i basically got the serum for an extra two dollars- but this review is mostly going to be about the cream.

my skin is dry and sensitive and i was looking to strengthen my moisture barrier, which had started to become weak with the use of my actives. i figured i should look for a product with ceramides, and since this cream had that as well as manuka honey and propolis, it definitely sounded like a winner!

the jar is small but should last a long time since you don't need much. it comes with an extra inner lid and a spatula so you can be sure it's sanitary.

the cream is semi-thick. it has substance too it but it's not difficult to spread and absorbs quickly without any tugging of the skin, and it's not heavy. it leaves your face sticky for a bit afterwards though, if you use enough. i've been using this at night as a final cream to lock in all my moisturizing steps beforehand and give me protective hydration. by morning, it almost entirely soothes any redness i had the night before and my skin feels soft and nourished.

i had thought the cream would be a little too much to wear under makeup but i tested it out today and was very wrong! even though i use many moisturizing products, my makeup still tends to get cakey very quickly as it accentuates my dry spots and closed comedones. but when i wore this underneath, my bb cushion looked so much smoother, and it even lasted way longer on my skin! areas that would usually become patchy within two hours were still going strong and even looked healthy.

if you have dry skin like me i really really recommend this cream!


and as for the Neulii serum, it has a lovely texture and feels great on the skin, but i believe i may be allergic to an ingredient as applying it to my wrist caused a small itchy welt. when my skin is calmer i may still patch test it but for now i don't have enough experience with it to make a proper review. really sorry!

Attachment IMG_7253.JPG , IMG_7254.JPG , IMG_7255.JPG , IMG_7256.JPG , IMG_7257.JPG
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