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Title lightweight foundation~
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2015-03-18 10:51:18
  • Recommend 121 Recommend
  • Views 1843

Previous to buying this, I was able to try out a sample of the "Pure" shade. I liked it, so I decided to buy two-- the "Pure" shade and the "Ivory" shade, since I already liked the Pure and I thought Ivory might suit my yellow-toned skin better.

This is a very lightweight and rather sheer foundation. If you need heavy coverage, this isn't for you. However, if you just want to even out your complexion and cover minor blemishes and imperfections, this is good. It has a thin, almost watery consistency and blends in with my skin very well. If you have dry skin like I do, make sure to exfoliate and moisturize your skin very well before applying this.

The Pure shade is a bright beige color, and pink undertoned. The Ivory shade looks a little bit brighter than Pure, but has a more yellow undertone. To compare the color, I would say the Ivory shade is a little bit similar to MAC's NC15. I am personally a NC20 in MAC, which is the shade right below NC15, and Ivory works for me better than Pure. It brightens my skin without looking fake because it is sheer and blends in well, but I would think the next shade in this foundation "Beige" might have more yellow that would blend into my normal skintone a bit more.

This foundation is very easy to layer as it doesn't cake too easily. I can touch-up my makeup during the day by reapplying this on areas where it faded (this foundation fades a little bit after a few hours on my skin, so it is not too long-lasting). It has okay oil control, but if you have oily skin, you will become shiny after a few hours.

The packaging is small and very cute and elegant, which I think is really great in comparison to Etude's other very princessy pink packaging. The scent is also a lovely light baby powder type of scent, which does not irritate my sensitive skin and nose. I can recommend this foundation if you want lightweight and moderate coverage that lasts a decent amount of the day. It is also rather inexpensive so even if you need to buy a few shades to find your perfect shade (or even mix some shades together), it would be okay ^^
Attachment Etude House Stay Up Foundation.JPG
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