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ProducT Forum Details
Title PK002 Plum Red & OR201 Kumquat Red
Posted by ivet (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2017-06-08 02:21:57
  • Recommend 2 Recommend
  • Views 324

Bought this two tints because I wanted to try them out and kinda compared them to the peripera ones, and also because I didn't have any from etude house and I wanted to see how they would be like (since etude house reformulated them).

I have mixed feelings about the product because the lightest shade (OR201 Kumquat Red) it's okay and it leaves a BEAUTIFUL pinkish color on the lips (it looks so natural and dewy), but it doesn't stay on the lips for long. Maybe for a couple of hours but only if you don't drink, eat or kiss. Somehow it only tints my bottom lip if I put together my lips, and the gel texture doesn't seem to melt in the lips quite good. Despite that the tint is okay.

The other shade, (PK002 Plum Red) is AMAZING. The formula of the tint is still gel as the previous one, but it stains my lips properly, melts into the lips and stays much longer that the other tint. It will fade out a little if you eat or drink but I don't mind reapplying since the color is SO PRETTY. Literally, the formula may not be the best but this color is my favourite out of all the tints I have. It goes sooo well with pink/neutral skin tone and the color is gorgeous (still dark but not dramatic).

All the dark colors are gorgeous and for that I can understand why etude house tints are so popular.

Another thing that I want to talk about is that they don't taste good (Even though they smell good), and it's not that I would eat them, but if you kiss someone, try not to apply the tint right before you do that.

In comparison with the peripera tints, the peripera are much better in formula and staying power. I would only recommend the dark colors of the etude house dear darling watergel tints.

(PK002 is a little bit darker than how it appears on the picture, but the tone is the same)

Attachment IMG_2855[1].JPG , IMG_2856[1].JPG
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