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Title gave me CC
Posted by macleaniral1703 (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2017-12-04 15:03:42
  • Recommend 3 Recommend
  • Views 365

I like the cosrx line however the rice overnight mask gave me CC(closed comodones). Whoever came up with the term YMMV(your mileage may vary) was pretty spot on. I used this product every other night and on the nights I used this product, I woke up with pretty intense CC's. On the nights I didn't use this product(I used the cosrx oil-free birch sap which I love + trilogy rosehip oil), I woke up with calmer CC's. I was pretty confused since this product has good reviews and has performed so well for so many. So I googled the specific problem instead and although not many, but there are a few who have face the same issue. One reddit user said she faced the problem with this product as well as the skinfood rice wash off mask. The rice extract may be the culprit but I'm not brave enough yet to zero on it. All I want is clear skin :D I have used products with cetearyl alcohol and butylene glycol before with no issue, but I haven't concluded what my relationship with the ingredients is.

I have stopped using the rice mask over over a week and my CC's are getting smaller and better. The picture attached is of my skin today(yes, I'm aware of my peach fuzz :D). I am sorry for not being able to provide a picture of the mornings while using the product. I have read that acne or cc prone skin like the honey one more(reviews and reddit) and I tried the sample of honey over night mask and it did not cause reactions. But I'm not sure if I will buy that yet because it didn't much else for me and I have a haul on the way already :D. With all that being said, this product is loved by quite a few but if you are prone to CC thread the waters carefully. Also, everybody's skin is different.
Attachment Closed CC(one week after).jpg
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