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Title Very refreshing
Posted by tdwood1719254 (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2020-05-25 04:00:33
  • Recommend 0 Recommend
  • Views 313

I've had bad experiences with toners over the years, mainly because they've been American toners that dry my skin from all the alcohol so I had pretty much sworn off them since they always made my acne prone skin worse with breakouts and drying. However since discovering Korean skincare I've decided to give them another shot because they're gentler on the skin and supposedly hydrating. This was the first one I tried and I like it fairly well. It is very refreshing on my face, both the feeling and the scent, and it doesn't make my face feel tight or stripped. I've noticed that it has tightened my pores and made my face look overall better. Unfortunately I do believe it is making my chin breakout a little, or is irritating the acne that was already there so I've started applying it everywhere on my face but my chin and jawline, and the acne is beginning to clear. It was kind of disappointing since it worked so well on the rest of my face and I do plan to continue using it, just not on my chin. Once the breakout has cleared I think I might rework it back onto my chin to see if it reacts again to know for sure. So I'll probably try another toner once I've used this one up because it's not perfect for all of my skin, but it is a good toner. I look forward to putting it on because it makes my skin feel so nice and the smell is very light and pleasant. Definitely worth purchasing to give it a shot.

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96877 Very refreshing Popular messageFile attachment tdwood1719254 2020-05-25 04:00:33 313

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