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Title Such a fun peeling
Posted by mrshobutt (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2015-04-25 21:09:47
  • Recommend 58 Recommend
  • Views 1254

Hey =D

I'm gonna be honest and say that initially I only bought this product because I was curious how a foot peeling would work. Here in Germany we only have the plain old foot peeling with microbeads and not only are microbeads bad for the environment, I always forget to use such a peeling under the shower.

The Tonymoly New Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid however consists of two socks that you put on your feet, fill it with the peeling liquid and then wait for a few hours.

I did this on a sunday, when I was relaxing anyways and I used the time to catch up on some tv shows and animes.

The feeling of having plastic socks over your feet, soaked with a liquid is quite strange but not the most unpleasant feeling in this world. The liquid was a bit cold but it warms up pretty fast due to your body temperature and there was no tingling or stinging.

You can fasten the socks but I wouldn't try to lie down or run or anthing. Sitting or standing is probably the best, this way the liquid can soak into your feet the best.

At first I was a bit disappointed because there was no effect visible on my feet for about 3-4 days (I know...the package says that peeling will occur after about 3-4 days but I'm a very impatient person). But then...holy cow did my feet peel. I felt like a snake XD

The next week-end I went to a convention and walked around the whole day in not the most comfortable shoes which made the peeling even worse, I think.

It didn't hurt or itch anything at all but just looking at the flakes of skin on my feet made me want to peel them off by myself. Which you are not supposed to do by the way. If you have the same urge as me, you better not look at your feet during the peeling period XD

The flakes on my feet were dry and I shed them  everyhwere. Disgusting, I know.

I have pretty callused feet and was never really continously using foot peeling so the peeling period lasted pretty long. Around 2 weeks or longer.

The callused parts of my feet do still feel softer and I used the peeling about 1 month ago. Of course regular foot care (cream, etc.) should help - but I'm quite forgetful.

I will definitely use this peeling again before summer really starts.

It is awesome and my feet are indeed softer.

You just should expect to walk around with peeling snake-like skin on your feet for a few days up to 2 weeks.

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