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Title Exceeded expectations delight to use
Posted by hadalabo (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2017-05-04 13:01:23
  • Recommend 11 Recommend
  • Views 87

I purchased this set on whim when available because of the few good reviews i've seen on the miracle moistuse 777 ampoules. In general O HUI is a highly under loved and accredited brand. After testing this set and I can fully say that after trying out this set I am fully hooked and prefer this line to Hera's aquabolic line. Initially I was weary of O HUi using essential oils as part of their fragrances (ingredients via hwahae)  but the amount's are so minuscule that they cant be detected nor cause irritation so that was major relief. All products in this range contain ginseng extract, ceramides with the cream also having amino acids. The odd man out is the cell power essence which is their answer to sulwhasoo's FIE. I tried it out for around 2 weeks and sporadically since then and honestly saw no results and didn't feel it was hydrating and it was also high alcohol. Alcohol is something I'm ok with in serums(for penetration enhancement) and foundation's, however maybe I didnt use it long enough to see anything so I''ll right it off as not worth it.

 Ingredient wise o hui's cell power essence contains in no specific order  niacinamide,trehalose,panthenol.alcohol,ceramides, an oddly high amount of orange oil (photo sensitivity uhh) hydroxyproline and amino acids and peptides which all sounds like it should do something but it fell flat and actaully orange oil is number 16 on ingredients which too high for me and you can really smell it too even though it smells divine (like petunias/rose/orangey) I rather that orange oil be lower.

Anyway back to the actual meat and bones of this set. The miracle moisture line is indeed successful at hydrating the skin w/o heavy textures the emulsion is my fav out the collection it has amazing spread-ability(not a word lol) and paired with he cream it kept my skin glowing, smooth and plump. Which I all thought was pretty bomb for being just hydrating products and while I owe some of that #glow to Iope's FIE this emulsion and cream were just preferred by MY skin compared to HERA's aquabolic.

The set is definitely luxe and something to enjoy using while paired with more active. Scent wise it SMELLS DIVINE like the review above me said. If you like nice smelling skincare that's not unnatural feeling and quickly dissipates then you'll enjoy this.

Below are my individual ratings for each product with a quick explanation

the softener 1.5/5 high in alcohol not very moisturizing nor purifying its texture is too thick for cotton pads so It cant be used to remove cleanser residue yet this had no moisturizing effect and if i were to use an alcohol loaded toner the Sulwhasoo treatment water feels more hydrating.

emulsion 5/5 lovely smoothing effect and little goes a long way and pairs well with other products, its a can't go wrong emulsion.

cream 5/5 the most intriguing to me think clinique moisture surge like in texture but a little richer and definitely maintains hydration. Really dry skins who dont layer 100 layers like i do will find this as a prolly regular cream but paired with the whole routine it comes thru

cell power number 1 essence 3/5 i stated my views above for this one

essence 3.5/5 a nice hydrating serum no alcohol and rather thick. kinda devoid of cool ingredients if you need a nice hydrating serum sure why not add in to you routine but otherwise this one is YMMV


Attachment IMG_2017-04-28_17.44.09.jpg
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